Veneta Cucine


Veneta Cucine tells its story with a new campaign that reinterprets the claim “Projects of Life”, focusing on the uniqueness and truth of everyday life.

ADV Campaign
TV, Web (Website, Social, YouTube) and press

In fact, the concept wants to transfer the idea of ​​excellence (in design, in materials) from the kitchen to the people who live it.

An excellent life is a full life. Full of emotions, full of experiences, full of situations that each of us interprets in different ways, with a common denominator represented by the “center of one’s home”, that is the kitchen.

Veneta Cucine: life

Creativity has been declined for television, for radio, for the web and for the press, using the photographs taken by photographer Toni Thorimbert.
The creative idea, production and post-production are by the agency More Than 30 Seconds.


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